Unlocking Shoulder Strength: Overcoming Shoulder Pain to Power Your Moves
According to the National Institute of Health, shoulder pain is one of the most pervasive orthopedic issues individuals face today. Whether you’re an athlete pushing the limits in sports like baseball or swimming, a CrossFit enthusiast, or even someone tackling daily tasks like reaching into an overhead cabinet to grab a plate for dinner, the […]
Collegiate Athlete Injuries Requiring Surgery or Extended Time Off on the Rise
As high school seniors graduate and set their sites on college, many talented athletes anticipate playing their chosen sport at the collegiate level in the fall. However, a 2023 report found that injuries sustained during competition are rising. Less than 21 percent of these injuries led to disqualification for the season or the athlete’s career. […]
Fail and Become a Great Hitter
Mark Brooks might have a story like you; maybe not the best on his team, fought through injuries and baseball politics….worked *extremely* hard, acquiring a $60,000/yr scholarship, allowing him to transfer from a junior college to a Division 1 college, and batting against the likes of Stephen Strassburg in championship form. In this episode you’re […]
How to Become a High Velocity Pitcher
From star high school pitcher to torn Rotator Cuff at 18 years old his first year in college. Doctors told him he would never throw again. Learn the story of how Brent Pourciau fought though this injury, and returned not only to a professional ball club but became a high velocity pitcher throwing over 90mph. […]
How to Build Muscle Fast For Baseball
How To Build Muscle I’m often asked this question, “How do I build muscle?” My response initially sounds very political, “Eat a balanced meal of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables (leafy greens if you can!),” trying to please everyone. The questioners are usually contempt with this answer, as I pause for a second then say, […]
Core Concerns
Strengthen your core! Do sit ups, low back extensions, plank until you pass out! WRONG! The core, or mid-section of your body is so super important that this topic cannot be glazed over; how to properly strengthen your core. The legs get the ball rolling, in a big way, at the on-set of a pitch. […]
Developing Baseball Power For Pitchers
Most baseball players, and pitchers would agree that you need to develop great power with your legs in order to throw harder and faster. This is true! Baseball researches have been saying this since at least the late 90’s. A study by MacWilliams’ in 19981 showed a very strong correlation between force produced by the […]
Should You Long Toss? An Experts Opinion
The Great Debate: To Long Toss or Not To Long Toss. Long toss is loved by many, and hated by many. Huge camps of people swear by long tossing, saying it makes their arm stronger, lengthens their arm muscles, and keeps their arm healthy. At the same time, there are coaches out there that would […]
Never Get Sore + Rarely Become Injured = Eccentric Training
What is the number one way to eliminate baseball related shoulder and elbow soreness in the shortest amount of time? Eccentric training. Eccentric training is the use of eccentric contractions. An eccentric contraction is the elongation of a muscle while it’s still contracting. Think “negatives” in the gym. This picture briefly describes it: […]
Webinar Thursday Nov. 1st. 2012 Paradigm Shift In Baseball Pitcher Strength Training
Register here–>>https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/4021964402371922688 Coaches, Parents and Pitchers: A paradigm shift is quietly occurring in baseball pitching around the world; Be one of the first to learn from Dr. Chris McKenzie how to: -Reduce your chance of shoulder and elbow pitching injuries by 70%. -Naturally gain 3 mph in 2 weeks (with only 30 minutes/day of correct […]