Collegiate Athlete Injuries Requiring Surgery or Extended Time Off on the Rise

As high school seniors graduate and set their sites on college, many talented athletes anticipate playing their chosen sport at the collegiate level in the fall. However, a 2023 report found that injuries sustained during competition are rising. Less than 21 percent of these injuries led to disqualification for the season or the athlete’s career. […]
How to Not Let a Hamstring Injury Ruin Your Athletic Dreams

Hamstring injuries are a common concern for athletes and are the number one thing that can take an athlete out of commission. This is precisely what took Chris McKenzie, DPT, physical therapist and owner of McKenzie Sports Physical Therapy, out of running and dashed his dreams of going to the Olympics. “One of the main […]
6 Common Back Pain Myths, Debunked

Despite being one of the top causes of disability in the U.S., affecting around eight in 10 people in their lifetimes, back pain is an ailment often misunderstood by those affected, says Philadelphia physical therapist Chris McKenzie. Such misconceptions, McKenzie adds, can cause those suffering from back pain to seek solutions, potential treatment paths, and even lifestyle alterations that aren’t necessarily in their best interests. “Back pain can be as frustrating as it is debilitating, especially if past preventative measures […]
Spine Care

About 8 in 10 of us will experience back or neck pain at some point in our lives, and for some it can be severe, debilitating and reoccurring. It’s our body’s core, after all. So when the muscles and nerves near the spine are pinched, pulled or twisted, the pain and discomfort can make it difficult to get up – let alone work and do the things we love.
Pre & Post Surgery Care

Hip and knee replacement surgeries are some of the most common operations performed in the U.S., with about 1 million completed each year. And each one of these patients shares one thing in common: their desire to get back to the level of work, play and function they enjoyed before first experiencing joint pain. The physical therapy team at Mckenize Sports and Physical Therapy can get them there.