Sign up for the RIP5k here!

If you’re like most every runner that I’ve ever met, when you get aches and pains, you don’t stop. You push thru, hobble, maybe taking a few days to rest, and then return to running to find your pain not really any better.

This is very true of runners who have high hamstring pain, from a high hamstring strain.

“But I just don’t want to think about this pain any more,” you say to yourself.

But you also say, “I don’t want to worry about hurting myself more. I can take pain, but I don’t want to make it worse.”

Well, here’s what I would do to you, and how you can help fix your high hamstring pain:


Sign up for the RIP5k right here!


When: Saturday, October 7th at 5pm (registration and FREE pre-race prep/stretching from McKenzie Sports Physical Therapy begins at 4pm).

Where: Laurel Hill Cemetery 3822 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia PA 19132

How Far: 5K..3ish miles. Unique and challenging, you’ll wind through beautiful (or creeeeepy) headstones at Laurel Hill.

What to wear: Runners and spectators are encouraged to wear their favorite Halloween costume. Prizes will be awared afterwords for the best costume.

Post race: Awards, drinks and post race care by McKenzie Sports Physical Therapy.

To learn more and register for the RIP5k race, click here. Cya at the cemetery!