May 2020

Create New, Healthy Habits That Help You Get Through the Pandemic

Many of our daily routines have been upended by COVID-19 and the attempts we’ve all made to abide by phrases that weren’t so familiar at the start of 2020: social distancing, sheltering-in-place, and flattening the curve.  And, as we “self-isolate” at home, we’ve often been forced to greatly alter old routines related to nearly all aspects of our lives: work, childcare, education, health and […]

Create an At-Home Workspace to Stay Pain-Free, Productive

As millions transition into working from home to help thwart the spread of the coronavirus, maintaining both comfort and productivity has no doubt been an issue for many.  While in-office workstations are often designed around ergonomic considerations and long-term trial and error, ensuring optimal comfort and health, home workspaces can often fall short in this […]